Delivery and Cargo

At Remas, we strive to ensure that your orders are delivered to you in a timely and secure manner. Here’s what you need to know about our delivery and cargo process:

  • Shipping: Purchases made from are shipped within 3-4 business days following the order date. However, please note that disruptions such as weather opposition or other transportation issues may affect the delivery time.
  • Notifications: All notifications regarding the status of your order are sent to your registered email address.
  • My Account: For detailed information about your order and cargo tracking, you can log in to your My Account page.
  • Customer Service: If you made a non-membership purchase and want to track your order, you can check your email address for updates or contact our Customer Service for assistance.
  • Please note that until your order is delivered to you from the cargo company, Remas is responsible and provides assurance for your purchase. If you have any questions or concerns about your order, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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